Friday, January 25, 2008

Bye Bye Bottles

I've been meaning to share our latest achievement, but other things keep taking priority. How dare my children get in the way of my blogging...

We have completely weaned the boys from bottles. I can't believe how easy it was! They were taking 3 bottles per day when we started. I got rid of 2 of them before Christmas & they didn't seem to even notice. I was a little worried about their last bottle, which they have 1st thing in the morning, but we eliminated that one 2 weeks ago without so much as a fuss...and we haven't looked back. I love not having bottles to wash anymore! On the other hand, it makes me realize that they are moving further away from "babyhood"...and that makes me sad in some ways.


Bronwyn said...

I know what you mean! I thought it was going to be difficult but Bennett just started refusing them one day. And that was it! I was pretty happy. :)