Since our kids are not in school, and Ryan & I still have to work normal full-time schedules, we don't get to feel the spirit of Summer as much as we'd like. We did try to do some fun things this summer though.
Last month we drove to Utah and left the boys for 4 days while Ryan & I went to Telluride, Colorado. Ryan had a conference there, so it was a perfect time for me to tag along for some R&R. Telluride is beautiful & it was a perfect place to relax & spend some alone time with Ryan. This was our first overnight trip away from the boys, but they didn't seem to mind our absence. They had a blast going places & doing fun things with grandparents (Steve & Deanna), Aunt Sheri, and cousin Mason.
Telluride (2 large waterfalls in one canyon!)
Connor, Isaac & Mason
We also put the boys in swimming lessons for the first time. They have probably only been in a pool (other than a kiddie pool) a handful of times, so they've not had an opportunity to learn to swim. Thankfully, they're not afraid of the they just need to learn what to do once they're in! They had fun in their level 1 class. They aren't swimmers yet, but they learned some useful skills that we can help them build on. Most importantly, they had fun & gained a little more water confidence.
Other than that, we grew corn in our garden for the first time.
Ryan built one gorgeous nightstand for our bedroom (he gave it to me) and plans to build a whole bedroom set eventually.

And we learned new ways to restrain the boys when they get a little unruly.