Sunday, November 16, 2008

Isaac is in love...

with everything.

About 2 weeks ago, Isaac started saying "I Love You." At first, it was just to me. I'd be laying on the couch & he would come lay on me & say, "I love you" over and over until I had to tell him to stop. Then he started saying it to Daddy.

This weekend is when he crossed the line into insanity. He started grabbing his blanket & snuggling it while saying, "I love you, blanket."

This morning, in the bath, he was playing with a Thomas the Train toy...a train named Salty. The next thing I heard coming from the tub was, "I love you, Salty." And Salty isn't even his favorite...

He's a little nutty.

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Cautiously Optimistic

In a recent blog, I indicated that we might be switching the boys from cribs to toddler beds soon. We did it this weekend.

On Saturday afternoon, while the boys napped, Ryan and I assembled the toddler beds. After they woke up, we disassembled the cribs and moved the toddler beds into their room. Connor was distraught to see that his crib was no longer an option. He is pretty sensitive to change.

By Saturday evening, they both had played on their beds enough to think they were pretty cool. Ryan put them to bed while I was out fulfilling a church commitment. They both went to bed without so much as a peep! They slept through the night with no problem and even let us sleep in a little later this morning.

My darling sleeping boys on their first night in the new beds. (We have a pretty amazing flash!)

I was fully prepared for this to be a very difficult fight. I've heard countless stories of toddlers who were still awake 3 hours after bedtime, toddlers who were in & out of bed a billion times, and toddlers who tore their room to shreds. We had none of that. In fact, tonight is their second night in beds & it was just as easy as last night.

We have not done naps in the new big boy beds yet, but we will on Tuesday when I'm home for the Veterans Day holiday. Hopefully it will go equally well.

I'll probably curse myself by saying this, but never in a million years would I have guessed it would be this easy.

Chicken Anyone?

Last night I made a whole chicken for dinner. I put it on the cutting board to rest before we cut it & Isaac decided he couldn't wait.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Synchronized Swimming - Mormon Style

My sister sent me the link to this & I thought it was hysterical. Just thought I'd share a little silliness today.