Thursday, June 25, 2009

Major Milestone Successes

I often receive comments about how difficult having twins must be or how I must have my hands full. I usually reply with, "It can be challenging at times, but it can also be SO much fun."

I have to say that with the trials of having twins, God has certainly been merciful toward me. We have somehow been able to get through most of the major milestones of babyhood/toddlerhood without much fuss.

Bottles - We got rid of bottles when the boys were about a year old. I anticipated much wailing and gnashing of teeth, but instead received little to no resistance!

Pacifiers - I have heard horror stories about kids who are 4 and still won't give up the pacifier. I was afraid of starting this habit with my infants, but quickly realized the benefits. Isaac gave up his pacifier in favor of his fingers around 8 months old...he has since given up the fingers as well. At 18 months we decided Connor's pacifier needed to go. He was already only allowed to have it while sleeping. He cried a little the first time he went to sleep without it, and that was the end of it.

Toddler Beds - Wow, this one scared me. I can't even count the number of stories I've heard about toddlers ripping their rooms apart as soon as they have the freedom of a bed instead of a crib. We switched the boys to beds when they were 23 months old. Beginning with night #1 they went right to sleep, and did not get out of bed. To this day, they stay in their beds (except to grab a book to sleep with). When they wake up in the morning, they stay in bed until we come to get them. I was (and still am) so relieved by this.

Potty Training - I have boys. They are 2 1/2. I am told this is a little young for boys to be ready to potty train, but Isaac has been showing signs of readiness. So, last weekend we decided to give it a try with him. I fully expected it to be a bust and for us to try again in a few months.

Day one ended with a total of 3 accidents, day two with 2 accidents, day three with 1 accident, and days four, five, and six were perfect! I am so amazed by this, and thankful. So thankful. I don't think I could have swished very many pairs of Thomas the Tank Engine underwear in the toilet before giving up & saving the training for another time. He is still newly potty trained, so anything can happen, but it seems to have been a success! Connor is not ready yet, so we'll tackle that when the time comes.

So, I'm not sure what's worse....challenging day-to-day life or challenging major milestones. Or worse yet, challenges with both. We do have challenging days when we are just going about our everyday routine, but I'm so thankful that the major milestones have not pushed me to the breaking point.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Things that go bump in the night

When I peeked in on the boys last night before I went to bed, I found Connor clutching this sword.

I can only assume he decided to sleep with a weapon to defend himself against anything that might come out of his closet or from under his bed. He woke up a little when I turned the fan off in their room, so that's why his eyes are open. I guess he was checking to see if he needed to use his sword on whoever was in his room.

Friday, June 19, 2009

America's Got Talent

Move over Stevie Wonder....Connor dominates with his awesome moves.

Monday, June 15, 2009


In 2003, Ryan and I graduated on the same weekend. Ph.D. for him and B.S. for me. We got some fun pictures of us together in our monkey suits.

Yesterday, Isaac saw this picture on our refrigerator. After studying it for a few minutes, he exclaimed, "Mommy's a king! And Daddy's a king!" He has since conceded that Mommy is a queen, but he is still convinced that we are wearing crowns.

Sunday, June 14, 2009

The grass may be greener

The grass may be greener on the other side of the fence, but you still have to mow it.

--Ancient Proverb

The grass everywhere around us has been greener for the entire 3 years we have been in our house, but we finally have a lawn! Well....sort of. And we don't have to mow it.

The grass we chose for our lawn is a buffalo grass that only needs to be mowed once a month and watered once a week (after the 30 day establishment period). Sounds great, right? Well, it IS awesome once it's installed. This type of grass is not available as seed or sod, only plugs.

A few guys from church came over & helped Ryan plant yesterday morning, then in the afternoon, Ryan, Sheri (my sister), and I worked on it some more. We're all sore today, as this is a fairly labor intensive type of installation. The planting is not quite finished, but will be in the next day or two. Several people have asked to see the progress as the lawn fills in, so here it is...

(Click picture to see larger)

Day 1: Installation (2,000 sq. ft. yard)

A Tray of plugs
One plug in Ryan's hand
Our yard before plugs
The guys planting
The yard with plugs
An installed plug

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Iron Chef Isaac

Isaac is obsessed with cooking lately. Neither Ryan nor I can stand at the stove without Isaac coming over to ask if he can see, or more common, stir. Ryan is an amazing cook, so I hope our boys learn that love from him. I think it's a trait most women love in a husband!