Sunday, November 22, 2009


Church is never dull when you have two 3-year-olds.

Today, as we were listening to the speakers, Isaac said (not quietly, of course), "Mommy, that boy said 'cool beans'!"....what the speaker really said was "obedience".

In this very same service, Connor, for no apparent reason shouted out "Ta Da!".

Usually my boys are very well behaved & fairly quiet in church. I don't think they were trying to be loud today, but I have no doubt that some people around us were having a little chuckle.


Amanda said...

That's too funny!

Robyn said...

Haha, I wish I would have been sitting by you guys, but unfortunately I was in the back waging my own war against the ward's best wiggler.

Sandy Claus is Sandy Hale, he is a family friend of our aunt and uncle's who live in MV. He does a big open house at his house just over the hill off Morton rd. I think he might only do it once each year though. I'll let you know if I find out any more, but in the past he was also the Santa at Riverside plaza, so you could take your boys there. I'll find out!