I've really been in a blogging funk lately, so this will just be a quick catch-up post with some pictures from the past month or so...
Our little In-n-Out fans
Isaac was acting like a baby. So, I threatened that if he was going to act like a baby, he had to wear a diaper & bib like one. Not to be intimidated, he said, "I want to wear a diaper & a bib." Great. So, here he sits, in timeout, in his baby garb.
"Helping" Dad work
Isaac is fascinated by flossing...so he wanted to try it himself.
Um, I'm not quite sure what to make of this combination...but he sure thought it was cool.
Isaac "fixing" Nemo.
A favorite game lately is to squish their faces together & laugh hysterically. It's such a cute thing to watch...until one of them gets annoyed & starts pushing. Or screaming. Or crying...
15 years ago