Thursday, June 17, 2010

When I Grow Up

So, earlier this week I asked the boys what they want to be when they grow up. Here were their responses.

Isaac: I want to be a Daddy.
Me: That's a good thing to be! What kind of job will you have when you are a daddy?
Isaac: (thinks for a minute) I want to be a train!
Me: Oh! A train driver is a good job to have!
Isaac: No, not a train driver! A TRAIN!
Me: Well, that would be interesting.
Isaac: And then I want to be a monkey.

I guess he took it literally when I told him he could be anything he wanted.

Me: Connor, what do YOU want to be?
Connor: I want to be a doctor so I can wear my stepascope and listen to my heart.
Me: That would be a good job!
Connor: Yeah, and then I can play tennis.

The workings of their brains at this age really crack me up!

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Sweet Summer Garden

This was the strawberry harvest from our garden last night. Our strawberry plants have been going crazy for several weeks now. The boys love helping pick the berries, wash them, and eat them! I love having a summer garden!

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Memorial Day

We had a nice memorial day cookout with Ryan's PhD advisor (Jack Beauchamp), Jack's family & a couple of their friends. The boys had a blast in the pool. This was their first time in the water this year & I couldn't believe that after being in the pool for less than an hour, Connor was jumping off of the diving board with no float! He doesn't know how to swim, so he can't do this unsupervised, but he would have jumped over & over for hours if we had let him.

After swimming & dinner, Isaac was totally entertained by this drum set that belongs to Jack's son. It doesn't actually make any noise because it plugs into a Wii video game. That didn't stop the little rock star...