Tuesday, May 27, 2008

First Floaters (sort of)

How we've made it almost 18 months with 2 babies without a single episode of pooping in the bath, I'll never know. As the boys were playing in the bath tonight, I was thinking about how lucky I was to have escaped that pleasure. Of course, that jinxed me.

Connor played in the bath for about 5 minutes then was ready to get out. Isaac played for another 10 minutes or so, then I pulled the plug & let him play until the water was gone. I turned my back for a second, and when I turned my attention back to Isaac, he was on his hands & knees in the tub grunting. Before I could grab him, out it came....into an empty tub. I hollered for Ryan to come back to the bathroom so I could tell him what happened, and I was laughing pretty hard. He did not think it was even a little bit funny. I probably wouldn't have laughed if the tub had still been full of water, especially if Connor was still in there with him. But there was just something humorous about him pooping in an empty tub.


Bronwyn said...


Krisanne said...

I'm such an 8 year old little boy, but poo stories are always funny!!!