I don't know how I got so lucky, but I just have to brag on my amazing husband for a minute.
Ryan works so hard at his "real" job, then comes home & helps me with the boys. On the weekends, he is usually working on the house. The current project is custom building the vanity (cabinets) for our master bathroom in which he already built a custom tile shower.
He actually enjoys being in the kitchen. He makes dinner at least once or twice a week. He bakes bread from scratch. Last night he made eclairs. And they were heavenly. All day I've been thinking about the rest of them sitting in the fridge.
He empties the dishwasher, cleans up after he cooks, and helps keep the house clean in general.
He even takes me out on a date every now & then.
Seriously, could it get any better?
15 years ago
What a guy! I have a few projects for him in his spare time:)
I read this and puked a little in my mouth.
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