Friday, January 25, 2008

Bye Bye Bottles

I've been meaning to share our latest achievement, but other things keep taking priority. How dare my children get in the way of my blogging...

We have completely weaned the boys from bottles. I can't believe how easy it was! They were taking 3 bottles per day when we started. I got rid of 2 of them before Christmas & they didn't seem to even notice. I was a little worried about their last bottle, which they have 1st thing in the morning, but we eliminated that one 2 weeks ago without so much as a fuss...and we haven't looked back. I love not having bottles to wash anymore! On the other hand, it makes me realize that they are moving further away from "babyhood"...and that makes me sad in some ways.

Sunday, January 20, 2008

1st Birthday Party

We had a 1st birthday party scheduled for December 15 (a few days after their actual birthday), but both boys got the stomach flu the night before. So, we rescheduled to January 19 (yesterday). First birthday parties are really for the parents...okay, mostly for the mom, but I think the boys had a fun time too. In the video you'll see that Connor tried to grab the flame on his candle & I think he kept his fingers there a little too long that last time...thus the crying. He didn't burn himself, I think it just hurt a little. Isaac was totally into demolishing his cake. Connor was way too clean. He just picked off little pieces of the cake & neatly put them in his mouth. It made me want to smash cake in his face like you do at a wedding...but I refrained.

Monday, January 14, 2008

Climbing Outlet

I think we've found an outlet for the boys' climing energy. Check out these geometric shapes I got at Target - on clearance for $32.98, down from $130.98!!! The boys both LOVE them. Here's a video of their first afternoon playing with them...

Saturday, January 12, 2008


Both boys have recently learned how to do peek-a-boo themselves. Today they had fun playing peek-a-boo with their scarf...


Okay, here's proof of the climbing. I caught them both up there again after this video was shot. Now we have little handprints all over our TV.

Monday, January 7, 2008

Little Monkey

Isaac is such a little monkey...

We have these ottomans pushed up against the tv stand to keep the boys from touching the tv and from pushing all the buttons on the dvd player, satellite receiver, etc. (See the bottom picture below in the tunnel posting for a visual.) They like to stand/lean against the ottmans when they watch something on TV. In the past few days, Isaac has climbed up on them couple of times & sat on top. We always make him get down or try to stop him before he even gets up. Yesterday I left the room for a second & when I came back he was STANDING on the ottoman with both hands on the tv screen! Now I wish I'd gotten a picture, but in the moment, I reacted & got him down right away.

The kid can't even walk & he's climbing like an old pro...

Sunday, January 6, 2008

Tunnel Vision

The boys got this little tunnel for Christmas. At first, Isaac loved it & Connor just wanted to jump on top of it. Now they both love playing in it.


Isaac & Connor had fun at Christmas with their cousin, Mason. We have 4 cousins (including my boys), all boys, on my side of the family, born within about a year of each other. We missed having Bennett with us, but here are some pictures of the boys that were together.

Grandma & Grandpa with Mason, Connor, and Isaac.

Mason & Isaac

Grandpa with Mason, Connor, and Isaac

Bathtime - Connor, Mason & Isaac

Christmas jammies - Mason, Isaac & Connor

Uncle Taylor with Mason, Connor & Isaac

Finally some Christmas Pictures

Sorry it's taken me a while to get these pictures posted. Here are a few pics from Christmas in El Paso at my parents' house. It was fun to spend time with my parents; my brother, Taylor; and my sister Sheri, her husband Jeff, and their baby, Mason.