Tuesday, March 24, 2009

My Two Sons

Most people don't get the benefit of seeing Connor & Isaac standing up straight, side by side. Unless they do this, you can't fully appreciate the size difference between them. This picture is a little blurry & not perfectly straight, but you can easily see the height difference with the benefit of the deck railing behind them. The crazy thing is that Isaac is not short. He is in the 75th %tile for kids his age. Connor is just a giant. It's so amazing to me that they were born on the same day & can be such different sizes...

Monday, March 23, 2009

Our Lives

I can say with 100% certainty that our lives have not been boring since the day our twins joined our family. These two boys are certainly characters. They say and do some of the funniest things. Here are a couple of our recent gems.

Connor is a little confused about which holiday is approaching. He insisted that he wear all three of these at once. It took a lot of complaining on his part (that he couldn't get them to stay) and a lot of patience on mine (as I tried to help him make this work) to get all of them to stay on at once.

Isaac decided that this is the way to push a train around the living room. Head down and walk...

I guess goldfish crackers taste better after they've been in your nose.

Policy Change

Okay, I haven't had a single taker on my homemade giveaway. I suspect it is because no one wants to be obligated to create their own homemade items to give to others. Because I'm the boss of my blog, I'm changing the rules. There is no longer a "catch". I will make you something with no strings attached (figuratively....whatever I make you might have strings attached). You do not have to post this on your blog, you don't have to pass it on, you just have to enjoy it...or at least pretend to be thankful....

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Handmade By Me! The 5 Things Giveaway.

The first five people to respond to this post will get something made by me! My choice. For you.

This offer does have some restrictions and limitations:
1- I make no guarantees that you will like what I make!
2- What I create will be just for you.
3- It’ll be done this year.
4- You have no clue what it’s going to be.

One additional thing added by me: I have to know you…if I don’t know you, I’m sorry, your not eligible…

Monday, March 16, 2009

Boys & Their Brains

Since I'm a girl, I guess I will never understand this, but there must be some glitch in the male brain that makes them think that wrestling & beating up on each other is fun. This is a daily activity in our house.

Monday, March 9, 2009

Birthday Fire

According to Connor & Isaac, if there's a fire, there must be a birthday cake somewhere nearby. Ryan made a fire in the wood-burning stove tonight & the boys were totally fascinated. They kept saying, "Fire, birthday cake" followed by Connor singing "Happy Birthday".

Sorry this video is so dark. They wanted the lights off to see the fire better. Besides, Connor is very shy about letting me capture his singing on video. He seems to be less timid in the dark. Oh, and he calls me "monny" and is apparently singing happy birthday to me in this video.

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Maybe next year.

Someone give me hope & tell me that someday my kids will cooperate for posed pictures.

We finally got around to having 2-year pictures taken (3 months after their bday) today. All Connor wanted to do was throw & chase this ball that the photographer gave him. All Isaac wanted to do was the opposite of whatever I asked him to do. I wish we'd gotten a better one of them together, but oh well. Here's what we ended up with.