Saturday, March 7, 2009

Maybe next year.

Someone give me hope & tell me that someday my kids will cooperate for posed pictures.

We finally got around to having 2-year pictures taken (3 months after their bday) today. All Connor wanted to do was throw & chase this ball that the photographer gave him. All Isaac wanted to do was the opposite of whatever I asked him to do. I wish we'd gotten a better one of them together, but oh well. Here's what we ended up with.


Bronwyn said...

Those are adorable!! Love the outfits by the way. I think the "non-perfect" pictures are way more interesting than the perfect. It has more memories attached! :)

Amanda said...

Your boys are so cute!

happygranny said...

Their pics just show how individual they are. It's HARD with one that age - can't imagine two. I think they are adorable!

Dr. J said...

I think it gets better in 10 years. Except instead of chasing a ball it will be a girl. And no more toys. Just give them an iPod or a Zune. That's all it takes to get them to stay still and stare blankly into wherever you want.

The Wilsons said...

These turned out super cute!!! What handsome little guys!