Up until now, we've not been brave enough to go camping with the boys. We used to love camping before we had kids, but the thought of doing it with two 1-year-olds or two 2-year-olds seemed too daunting. Somehow age 3 seemed to be the right time. Ryan and I had also never been beach camping, so we decided we might as well go for it & try two firsts in the same trip. We only went for one night since we weren't sure how the boys would do. They loved it & we had a pretty good time too. I see several summer camping trips in our future this year...
Here are a few pictures & videos from our little adventure.
Playing on the beach
Chasing waves. Connor on the left (being a big chicken) and Isaac on the right.
Back at the camp, Connor counting the rocks he collected from our campsite.
Whenever they see fire, they think of the fire on their birthday cake...
All tucked in for bed. They actually slept very well!
Yummy camping breakfast. Neither of the boys like eggs, so Ryan & I enjoyed eggs while Connor ate oatmeal & Isaac had a poptart.
15 years ago
that's awesome! I love Connor's multi-stage scream when running from the waves. lol It's like he wasn't sure if he wanted to scream all the way or not.
Yeah! I am glad it went well...looks like fun!
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