Friday, February 29, 2008

He can walk!

Connor started walking at 11 months old. The boys will be 15 months old in 10 days, and Isaac is finally walking! He took his first steps a couple of weeks ago but hasn't done much more than 1-2 steps since then....until a few days ago. Something clicked & he has been walking a lot more over the past few days. Still not more than 8-10 steps at a time, and he still crawls more than he walks, but he is trying & looking cute while he does. I captured a few steps on video last night & I'll add a video to this blog entry tonight...

Some of you might be saying that now I'm in trouble since they'll both be walking...I disagree. Isaac is a climbing maniac, so I don't think he'll get into anything now that he's walking that he didn't already. It will be so nice to let him play outside & not worry about him wearing holes in the knees of his pants or about how dirty the ground is where his hands are!! I've already got one "toddler," so what's one more?


holmesfamily8 said...

Yeah Isaac! Benson has been walking for 2 months now, and Alex has yet to really stand alone yet! I can't wait for it either, I am tired of the dirty knees and hands too.