Sunday, February 10, 2008

While you were sleeping

The title should really read, "while you were supposed to be sleeping."
This morning while the boys were supposed to be napping, Isaac was still not asleep after 30 minutes. He wasn't crying, he just wasn't sleeping. I listened outside their door for a few minutes & heard a ripping noise that sounded like velcro ripping apart. They have mesh crib bumpers that attach with velcro, so I assumed he had somehow figured out how to remove them. I didn't want him wrapping himself in crib bumpers, so I opened the door to check on him. This is what I found...

The little punk was so stinkin' proud of himself...he had a huge grin on his face. I couldn't help but laugh.


Bronwyn said...

HAHA!! I laughed so hard when I saw this post!! Maybe it's a subtle hint he wants you to redecorate!!

TheBaumanns said...

Oh man, that made me laugh pretty hard! And they always make it seem like taking down wall paper and borders is such hard work...

Jenn said...

LOL, Um he took down the rest of it on that wall this past Saturday...silly kid will do anything to avoid napping!