Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Shake, Shake, Shake

We had a fun little rumbler this morning. Just before noon, we had a 5.4 earthquake. Now, I have to say that small earthquakes are pretty common around here...but you know it's a decent quake when it actually makes national news.

Link to Yahoo News Story

We felt it pretty strong here in Riverside - about 30 or so miles away from the epicenter. We are far enough away, however, that we didn't have any damage at work or at home. A little excitement for the day, but nothing serious, thank goodness.

Friday, July 25, 2008


Here’s how it goes :

1. As a comment on my blog, leave one memory that you and I have had together. It doesn’t matter if you knew me a little or a lot—just anything you remember...or don't remember...fabricated memories are a plus.

2. Next, re-post these instructions on your blog and see how many people leave a memory about you. If you leave a memory about me, I’ll assume you’re playing the game and I’ll come to your blog and leave one about you...especially if your memory of me isn't particularly flattering...you better hope Blogger censors slander.

Mean or Compassionate?

Last week, Connor was getting frustrated while he was playing, and Isaac laughed hysterically everytime Connor made a frustrated sound.

Just as I was beginning to think that Isaac enjoyed seeing his brother unhappy, later that same day he showed me a much more compassionate side.

Connor was misbehaving, so I sat him in time-out. Isaac felt bad for him, so he went over & sat next to Connor until he was done with his punishment.

I hate it when they're mean to each other, but I have to keep telling myself that being so close is bound to cause both extremes of emotions. They may fight with everything they have, but they will (hopefully) also love each other with that same intensity.

Monday, July 21, 2008

The Swim

Does anyone know if the Wiggles do a dance like this? I have no idea where he got this!

Sunday, July 20, 2008

In Order

All three of these pictures were taken yesterday. Both boys just love lining things up lately. It's so cute!

Saturday, July 19, 2008

Say My Name

The boys just figured out that they can watch whatever I'm filming with the video camera if I rotate the viewing screen to face my subject rather than myself. As they were watching themselves, I was trying to get them to say their own names. As you will see, I think Isaac likes the sound of his own name the best.

And On That Farm He Had A....

I'm not sure exactly when I noticed this, but Connor is our little music man. He LOVES it when we sing songs. In fact, he usually claps at the end of each one - I think it's his way of encouraging me to keep going. Both boys love "Old MacDonald Had a Farm" lately, so we sing it a lot. Connor has learned to contribute his part.

Oh, and please excuse my singing voice. Thankfully the boys don't yet realize that it's terrible...

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

You Have Your Hands Full

Whenever I go out with the boys (especially if I'm by myself), I usually hear multiple comments regarding how I must have my hands full. I hear these comments regardless of how they are behaving. I usually respond by telling them that it can get crazy but they are really good kids, so that makes it easier. I read this quote today & decided that this is my new motto:

If you think my hands are full, you should see my heart.

So true.

My Excuse for Not Cooking

I have not been very good about cooking since the boys were born. We tend to eat a lot of pre-packaged foods unless Ryan decides to cook something yummy (he's a GREAT cook!). My excuse is that our evenings are crazy from the time we get home from work & daycare at 5:00 until the boys go to bed at 7:00. By then, it's too late to start cooking a meal from scratch.

I was introduced to this website (http://crockpot365.blogspot.com/) today & I think my excuse for not cooking has been squashed. I will not cook a crockpot meal every day for a year, but I can certainly aim for one a week. I can prepare everything the night before & just put it in the crockpot to cook while I'm at work! Some of her recipes look very yummy! And I love the fact that she reviews them afterward. Oh, and if anyone has a gluten allergy, her recipes are for you! Everything is gluten free!

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Playing with Playdoh

Friday, July 11, 2008

Bedtime Stories

Our bedtime routine for the boys goes like this:

Change Diapers
Put Jammies On
Brush Teeth
Read a Story
Go to Bed

They absolutely love the story part of our routine, and it's the cutest thing to hear Isaac say "story" over and over while he brings me a book. Here are a few of their favorite bedtime stories.

Anyone else have favorite bedtime stories to suggest?

Monday, July 7, 2008

Binky Free!!

Isaac gave up the pacifier on his own around 6 months old in favor of his fingers. He has since given those up as well.

Connor, on the other hand, loves his binky. For the past 6 months or so he has only been allowed to have it when it's time to sleep. We've had a couple of instances in the past few weeks where the binky somehow got on the floor outside his crib & he cried in the middle of the night for someone to retrieve it for him. That was not a habit I wanted to get into, so I decided the binky needed to go.

We started on Thursday night. He got really mad at first, then mostly whimpered until he fell asleep. Friday was about the same...a little crying, but not too bad. As of this morning, I can say that I think we've been successful. He fusses for a few minutes when we put him in bed, but he's adjusting just fine.

Hooray for no more pacifiers!!!

Sunday, July 6, 2008

Scrubba Dub Dub, Two Boys in a Tub

I think I've mentioned this before, but Connor & Isaac both love bathtime. Here are a few pics from bathtime earlier this week.

They are both constantly looking for ways to drink the bathwater. In the 3rd picture, Connor was trying to drink water from the drainage hole in the toy boat. Isaac's newest obsession is to line things up. So, the last picture shows him lining up the various bottles that are in the tub.