Sometimes when my kids say funny things I wonder where they got it.
When Isaac wants something to make noise or he wants to hear it louder, he sometimes asks me to make it "loudy". I assume this is a combination of loud and noisy, but how did he get the idea to combine them?
The origin of Connor's "funny" is a little easier to understand since he still has a hard time properly pronoucing many of his words. The cutest (and funniest) one is "Obeepo Peepo". For those of you who don't speak Connorese, this means Home Depot.
Here is one more thing that I guess they must have picked up at daycare. I've never said this to them, but they both were saying it the other day.
15 years ago
Jenn, I didn't know you had a blog so I'm glad you left me a comment! I'm excited for someone else to feel the burn! It's also kind of intense listening to Jillian the whole time, but I kind of like her harping. I won't be there on Sunday to see you stumble down the aisle, but we'll have to keep each other motivated!
I'm sure I'll still be stumbling the next Sunday...
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