Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Finally, a place to ramble

Originally Posted 10/1/07

So, I'm not entirely in the dark ages. I did have a blog while I was pregnant with the boys, but I've decided it would be nice to keep a blog of our day to day with twins. Connor & Isaac are definitely growing boys...Connor a little more than Isaac. They will be ten months old next week. From the time I was pregnant I constantly heard the comment, "Enjoy every moment, because before you know it they will be grown." Yeah, yeah, yeah. I've heard it a million times, but the reality of that statement just hit me like a ton of bricks when I realized we are only 2 months from their first birthday. Where has this year gone? Where are those tiny little bundles who were asleep more than they were awake? I'm afraid those days have past. My tiny babies are closer to being toddlers than I care to admit. Connor is crawling like a speed-demon, pulling up, cruising along anything that's tall (or short) enough, and letting go while standing...just long enough to test his balance. Last week when he let go for the first time & stood unassisted for a few seconds he was so excited that he squealed with delight. I have never seen him so pleased with himself. Since then, he is doing it more often and for a little longer. He has taken to climbing up on anything that is remotely climbable. The harder part, and the part he has not quite mastered, is getting down without injury. He is our little king of bruises & bloody noses...Quite the adventurer. Connor is also a bit emotional. So sensitive. On most days, he requires 10-15 minutes of grumpy snuggling time before he is ready to face the world after his daytime naps. He is a serious mama's boy - if he knows I'm nearby he has to be close to me or held by me...no one else will do. Isaac is a very different little boy. He just mastered crawling about a week ago, but you'd never know he is so new at it. He can pretty much get anywhere as fast as he pleases. He pulls himself up to a kneeling position, and I suspect pulling up to standing is not far off. He is the king of teeth - with 6 compared to Connor's 2. He got all four of his top front teeth at once with hardly any complaining. I think we've gotten off easy so far with teething. Isaac is obsessed with anything that even remotely resembles a button. He pushes everything with his thumb to see if it will do something. His favorite things are sound books and the DVD player (which he is NOT supposed to play with). Isaac has recently learned what the word "mama" means. If I walk away or if he wants me & I'm not within reach, he will cry, "mama, mama" over and over. Thankfully, for Isaac, Daddy is a completely acceptible substitute. I love being a mom of twins. I have two of the cutest, sweetest, most loveable little boys. That being said, lately I have days (more than I care to count) when I wish they would want someone other than me. There are few things more stressful to me than having two babies pulling at my legs & crying for me to hold them. One at a time I can handle, but when they BOTH want me at the same time, it can be frustrating. They don't want to share my lap (mostly Isaac has a problem with this), so I can only make one happy at a time. I'm told this is a phase which too shall pass. I'm also told that there will come a day in the not-so-distant future when I will wish they both wanted me to hold them. I try to remember this when the chorus swells.... The third boy in my life, also known as Ryan, is also doing well. He just started a new school year - his 3rd year as a professor. He has taken on one home improvement project after another since we moved into the house. The latest (and one of the biggest) is replacing the carpet in our living room, dining room, kitchen, and hallway with laminate floors. We are about 75% finished laying the floors...then we have to do the trim & other finish work. Our house already looks so much different with these new floors. We'll post pics when we're done.